Monday, 4 March 2013

The powers of fernet

What's the sensible thing to do in a recession? Definitely give up a good job to swan about in South America for a few months. That saying about regretting what you hadn't done and not what you have is oft repeated for a reason, and so, with the help of a few glasses of wine Julia and I began planning our adventure. Each session has been punctuated by the paint-stripper effect of the most horrific digestif known to man - fernet.

Jules is convinced I will grow to love it, and considers it a gross offence to our South American plans, particularly our Argentinian jaunt, if we don't consume the traditional shot each time we meet. A little lazy googling (aka wikipedia reliance) has found the best description of fernet I can find....

"The easiest way to explain the taste is to imagine Jägermeister without the sugar. You shoot it, immediately getting a strong hit of mouthwash - drying the mouth out, stinging the tongue. Its kind of like getting hit in the nose. Your brain hurts, your eyes sting and water, you cough a bit. Then, as soon as it begins a warm wave of relief washes over and you are left baptized in Italian herbals and golf ball eyed awake"

Yep, that sounds about right....countdown: 11 days.

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